
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

Getting it Done in Five Hours a Day

Stephan Aarstol-Chispa Magazine-Bookworm

Henry Ford had every right to maintain the 10-16 hour workday that was common over 100 years ago, and pocket the financial gains of a new productivity called the “assembly line.” But where other capitalists saw a path to greater profits, Ford had a much grander vision. Ford took a gamble that would change the…

Creative Ideas for Your Lifetime Bucket List

Creative Ideas for Your Lifetime Bucket List-Chispa Magazine

When you hit your 30s, you suddenly think of various things that you might regret in life. There might be opportunities that you wish you could have followed through with. There might be things you wish you had done differently. It doesn’t do too well to think about the past and focus on regrets, though.…

Going on Vacation Without Going in Debt

Going On Vacation Without Going in Debt-Chispa Magazine

Summer is officially here. And that can only mean one thing: Your head is probably somewhere else, probably on a beach somewhere, or maybe in the mountains or at Disney World with your kids. Am I right? We always talk about how expensive Christmas season can be with all the gifts, but summertime brings its…

Editor’s Letter: Time to Remember

Waterfall_chispa Magazine-Mavian Arocha-Rowe

As I was cleaning out the basement this past weekend I found my only copy of Vallarta Today Daily Newspaper from April 19, 2004. On page seven, the writer included a quote from a previous editor’s letter from 2004. And then she wrote the following, “It’s an amazing journey in a magazine, it’s written by…

Dave Says: Insurance for Young Couple + How Much House?


Insurance for Young Couple Dear Dave, My wife and I are both in our early 20s, we’re debt-free, and we’re just a couple of months away from having a fully loaded emergency fund of six months of expenses. We both also have 401(k) plans at work, and we’re looking forward to starting additional investments later…

Degrees: Are They Worth It?

Degrees-Are They Worth It-Chispa Magazine

There’s an ongoing debate about whether degrees are worth it when it comes to advancing your career. If I could turn back time, I’d have got one. Maybe I’ll go back and get it some day. Unfortunately, at the time, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. This is where all…

Why Failure Is Necessary for Success

Why Failure Is Necessary for Success, Christy Wright-Chispa Magazine

Fear, failure, and fear of failure will accompany you when you do great things. It’s part of the journey, so you should expect it. Everyone who is successful is scared of failing. Taylor Swift puts it this way: “It can feel, at times, if you let your anxiety get the better of you, like everybody’s…

Eight Tips to Channel Your Adult ADHD

Eight Tips to Channel Your Adult ADHD-Chispa Magazine

As an adult with ADHD you might struggle with a mental unbalance sometimes and you find it hard to focus on one task at a time. It also causes personal turmoil and affects you mentally.  It can contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty at work or school. As an adult living with ADHD,…