
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

Dave Says: Cash Flow School? + Travel Medical Insurance?


Cash Flow School? Dear Dave, My wife and I are on Baby Step 2 of your plan, and I’m in graduate school while working full-time. We’re trying to cash flow my education from this point forward after previously taking out student loans. Our household income is $90,000 a year, and we have a car payment.…

The Big Issues Facing Women In The Workplace

Women Business_Chispa Magazine

Only 35 years or so ago, the typical workplace was not the place for a woman. We’ve come a long way since then, of course, but there is a lot of work to do. According to a report by Thomson Reuters and the Rockefeller Foundation, there are still many issues. And, in a survey of…

EntreLeadership: The Work-life Balancing Act


As a small-business owner, trying to maintain a work-life balance can be like walking on a tightrope. At any given moment you have to lean one way or the other to maintain your overall balance. It’s often tempting to work around the clock to make your company the very best it can be. After all,…

Signs You Have Low Self Esteem And What To Do About It

Self-Esteem-Chispa Magazine

Do you feel like you have no confidence? Perhaps you feel like you’re not good enough to do certain things? Maybe your self esteem is seriously affecting your life and the way you live it? Everybody deserves to have confidence and self esteem, but some aren’t naturally born with it as others seem to be. Just…