
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

Which Goes First? Push or Pull?

Push or Pull-Kuan-Yin Timothee-Chispa Magazine-KuanYin Friday

Push and pull are opposite actions. However, in order to move forward some times we have to do both. There is no one way to accomplish a task: Losing weight, it involves exercise, dieting or intermittent fasting at times; having a baby is possible through natural birth, adoption or in vitro; building a house requires…

How To Get Organized In February

Get Organized-Chispa Magazine

February is still a time of new beginnings, and it makes sense that as the new year rolls around, you will want to get more organized and plan the next 11 months as best you can. There will always be surprises and events that don’t fit your plans, but if you are otherwise organized, you…

How to Make a Smooth Return to Work After a Lengthy Break

Return to Work After a Lengthy Break-Chispa Magazine

Whether an individual has temporarily left the workplace due to a lengthy illness or to raise a family, returning to the world of work can seem daunting. While some seamlessly reintegrate themselves into their previous positions, the majority of workers return to significant changes or even to a new position altogether, especially if they’ve been…