How Can I Move Up The Career Ladder?

Going up the corporate ladder_Chispa MagazineHow can I move up the career ladder? It’s a question that millions of women ask themselves on a daily basis. After all, the opportunities for women in the workplace have never been as bright as they are in today’s world; it would be a huge shame to let it go to waste.

The very fact that you want to better your career shows that you’ve got the drive and determination to succeed. All you need is a little push in the right direction. It’s easy to feel all alone in the world of business, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Help is at hand. Here’s how you can use it to maximum advantage.

Expand Your Knowledge
Knowledge is power, especially in the world of business. Learning more about the industry, and your own strengths is a fantastic way to improve your career prospects.

Thanks to the internet, there’s a whole world of information at your fingertips. Moreover, there are hundreds of books on the subject. Finding a book publisher that specializes in the field could be one of the most positive steps you ever take. Who knows, one day you might even have an idea to pitch yourself.

Reading up on business offers a great foundation. However, it’s important to take a practical approach too. Completing courses can improve your skills and your confidence. In an ideal world, your employer will be happy to invest in your development. But, even if they aren’t, it shouldn’t stop you from wanting to better yourself.

It’s all well and good saying that you want to be better, but taking an active role is another thing altogether.

Gain Expert Advice
Discovering things for yourself is fantastic. However, you shouldn’t dismiss the importance of speaking to experts in the field either. Attending networking events and seminars could allow you to learn some truly fascinating tips. Furthermore, you never know what opportunities may arise from a chance meeting.

Additionally, it’s important to understand that your skills and experience might not be the only thing holding you back. Confidence and personality can have a huge impact on your entire life, career goals aren’t exempt from that. Some people genuinely find that coaching from a specialist can improve their prospects greatly.

There might be some stigma attached to seeing a professional, but you should have no shame about wanting to increase your chances of success. If it’s going to assist you, this is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss.

Invest In Your Appearance
Remember how I said opportunities are better for women than ever before? Well, that shouldn’t be confused with thinking there’s perfect gender equality in the workplace. Like it or not, looking good can help women (and men) as they look to climb the slippery career ladder.

Nobody’s saying that you have to look like Jennifer Lopez. However, gaining a better physique through healthy eating and exercise can help you greatly. Subconsciously, it can make you appear more trustworthy because you are more confident. If nothing else, gaining a better look will improve your self-esteem too. It’s good for your career and your personal life too.

Photo by Liu Jiao

Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Editor-in-Chief at Chispa Magazine
Mavian Arocha-Rowe is known as an asset to the business and communications industry and is motivating and advocating “your authenticity should be your strategy,” for all women, regardless of their season and roles. For the past 20 years she has directed magazines, plus multiple art and marketing departments as creative director and brand manager. What supersedes all of her great career moves is her role as wife and mother living in Atlanta. Challenging herself to discover and bravely pursue the calling for her life, Arocha-Rowe helps other women discover and pursue their life’s assignment. She is a passionate, and loud-laughing speaker on the topic of purposefully redeemed, and mentors young women so they can exercise a mind that is doctrinally pure, along with a heart that beats toward sanctification. She will almost never turn down Marlow’s Tavern double-tavern cheeseburger, a cooking-demonstration from Leaning Ladder, or any opportunity to head to Miami to spend time with family.
Mavian Arocha-Rowe

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Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Mavian Arocha-Rowe is known as an asset to the business and communications industry and is motivating and advocating “your authenticity should be your strategy,” for all women, regardless of their season and roles. For the past 20 years she has directed magazines, plus multiple art and marketing departments as creative director and brand manager. What supersedes all of her great career moves is her role as wife and mother living in Atlanta. Challenging herself to discover and bravely pursue the calling for her life, Arocha-Rowe helps other women discover and pursue their life’s assignment. She is a passionate, and loud-laughing speaker on the topic of purposefully redeemed, and mentors young women so they can exercise a mind that is doctrinally pure, along with a heart that beats toward sanctification. She will almost never turn down Marlow’s Tavern double-tavern cheeseburger, a cooking-demonstration from Leaning Ladder, or any opportunity to head to Miami to spend time with family.