
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

Does Pain Provide a Purposeful Pathway?

Chispa Magazine

In my book, Defying Gravity, I describe nine gauges on the “leadership instrument panel” that can keep leaders from losing perspective and spiritual altitude as they encounter life’s storms. These gauges are helpful to any believer encountering difficulties. Last time I checked—that’s all of us.  Wisdom For the Wounded One of the gauges that surprises readers,…

The Sad Statistic of More Than 20 Percent, What?

Chispa Magazine

While most Americans will worry about eating too much this holiday season, 16 million of our country’s children live in households that struggle to afford food, according to a 2012 report from the United States Department of Agriculture. “We hear about ‘food insecurity’ quite a bit, especially after the 2008-09 economic crash, but I think most…

Carissa Rosario: An Attitude of Yes

Chispa Magazine

Carissa Rosario is determined to make a difference. An international model, actress, spokesmodel, businesswoman, nutritionist, and philanthropist, Rosario is clearly one of the hardest working models in the industry. Currently ranked No. 1 on Google as the most searched professional model in the world, the brunette beauty has graced the cover of more than fifteen…

October: The Month for Married Name Change

Chispa Magazine

If there was such a thing as a national newlywed calendar, October would be a completely booked month. Spring and summer weddings and their ensuing honeymoons are wrapping up, leaving couples a brief span of time to settle into newlywed life before the holidays hit. At the top of over 88 percent of newlywed couples’…

How Do I Stay Cool Under Pressure + Succeed?

Chispa Magazine

We all ask ourselves the same desperate question from time to time: How am I going to make this work?! “No matter how well we’ve done laying the groundwork for everything to run smoothly – becoming educated, choosing the right spouse, treating others well — we all face situations that challenge us,” says Dr. Robert J.…

Should Investment Strategies Change Because of Unrest in Ukraine, Iraq, and Israel?

Chispa Magazine

This past summer’s headlines grew increasingly shocking: •  Malaysia Airlines Passenger Jet Shot Down Over Ukraine •  Israel Steps Up Airstrikes as Gaza Buries Dead •  U.S. Warplanes Strike ISIS in Iraq The violence and instability, along with worries about the Federal Reserve ending its market-bolstering stimulus and raising interest rates, precipitated a negative return…

What is Perfection?

Chispa Magazine

Westfield London, home to shopping enthusiasts is asking, “What is Perfection” — is it fabrics in the hands of artists, or perhaps artists in the Hands of God? You tell us… Photo by Veronika Pilátová

Say Six to Celebrate Your First Year Together

Chispa Magazine

Back from your honeymoon and feeling like all the wedding planning and celebrating is over? For some of us, that is a very freeing feeling and for others it’s rather sad. Fear not newlywed, although your wedding was a huge celebration of combining your life with your spouse’s there are many things to celebrate during…