Maggie Sabatier-Smith

Passionate about living a life that matters and honoring God is what speaker, life coach, and author, Maggie Sabatier-Smith is known for. Her mission for herself and others is: You Matter. God said so. Do something about it! Which is why her famed tagline is so appropriate: #HelpingYouBeYou. Uniquely qualified, she has lived her own transformation story multiple times—often referring to herself as the Queen of Do-Overs. Cuban born, NYC raised, Maggie knows how to navigate through life changes. Coach Maggie believes in second chances not only for the pets she and her cowboy have rescued over the years, but also for men and women in transition. Active in prison ministry for more than fifteen years, Maggie is a dedicated mentor and teacher. Empty nesters, she and her husband, Paul, live in Central Florida.

It Was Like… Magic

Magic-Chispa Magazine-Maggie Sabatier-Smith

“It was like… magic.” How many of us remember that line from the movie Sleepless in Seattle? In the movie Sam Baldwin (Hanks) describes it like this, “It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together, and I knew it. I knew…

Generosity—It’s a Lifestyle

Prison Ministry-Chispa Magazine

Generosity. It comes from the heart and compels us to take action. The more we use it, the greater it becomes to the point where it’s just a lifestyle choice. For some it’s easy to be generous with others yet they forget to be generous with themselves. God is so very generous to us—why not…

When Your Love Tank is Empty

Love Tank is Empty-Chispa Magazine-Maggie Sabatier-Smith

Valentine’s Day has been here and gone. Tradition called for the perfect romantic experience. In preparation you binged-watched Hallmark movies. Both you and your partner did your part to make that happen… the card, the flowers, the chocolates, and the dinner. Yes, it would be the perfect day. Today you look back and wonder why perfect didn’t…

Running on Empty

Running On Empty-Chispa Magazine-Maggie Sabatier-Smith

How far can you drive your vehicle on empty? My husband would cringe at that question. His response would be, “Why would you let it run that low?” A fair question. I have no answers, at least not any that would explain it. Quite frankly, I just don’t think about it. This is not new…

Fine. I’m Just Fine.

Fine-Maggie Sabatier-Smith-Chispa Magazine

Are you living a “fine” life? Yesterday in church, this happened multiple times… “How are you doing?”  Me: “I’m fine.” A couple of folks dug deeper and asked, “Really?” Me: “Yes really—I’m fine.” “What’s wrong with being fine?” you might ask. Fine is certainly better than messy or challenging or disappointing. True, but I wonder…

What Are You Not Saying?

What Are You Not Saying-Maggie Sabatier-Smith-Chispa Magazine

As a spiritual mom, I’ve been writing about friendship over the last couple of weeks. While I thought I was done with the topic, today the words “What are you not saying?” are percolating in my spirit. I’m wondering how many friendships—relationships—end more because of what was not said rather than what was said. “The…

Friendships That End; Were They Really Friends?

Friendships-Broken-Maggie Sabatier-Smith-Chispa Magazine

Last week’s article, How do I Move Forward From a Broken Friendship?  generated some interesting discussions with our readers. Pat shares, “Friendships have changed, slowed, distanced, churned. However, I don’t remember one ending. At least not a true friendship.” True friendship, what does that look like? In my own experience the definition of a true…

How Do I Move Forward From a Broken Friendship?

Broken Friendship-Maggie Sabatier-Smith-Chispa Magazine

We’ve all been there. That moment when you realize there isn’t much more that can be said or done. It’s time to end this relationship. Your sense of loss is overwhelming. Your heart cries out, “What just happened?” You want to talk this out with a friend, but you can’t because that’s the issue. Your…

Attitude… It’s Not Just About You

Maggie Sabatier-Smith, Chispa Magazine, Attitude

While our perspective on life’s circumstances is clearly personal, it also affects others. Our attitude not only influences our actions, it also spills over into the lives of everyone we connect with. It’s contagious—it’s public. The Bible tells us, the Lord offers us fresh new mercies each morning—His love never ceases. God’s promises are there…