Boost Your Motivation And Better Yourself With These Awesome Ideas

Running A Killer B2B Social Media Campaign-Chispa Magazine - Home PageDo you ever feel like you’re not being as productive as you should be? Or, that you are not reaching your full potential? I’m sure that there are plenty of people who struggle with these emotions on a deal basis. They want to do better, but there is something holding them back. Well, it’s time to learn the real secrets behind motivation, performance and productivity. If you do struggle to get as much done as you like or feel like your brain power is limited, there are a few steps you can take. You’ll be amazed to hear that almost all of the ideas that we are going to present today are based on sound science. Therefore, if you try them for yourself, you might find they produce fantastic results. Let’s start by thinking about meditation.

Awesome Effects Of Meditation
Meditation can be incredibly useful. Through meditation, it is possible to actually train your mind but first we need to think about how to meditate. Many people assume that when you meditate you actually clear your mind. This isn’t the case at all and most people will tell you that clearing your mind completely is next to impossible. You have to think about something. For instance, the easiest way to think about nothing is to imagine an empty room. But even then, you aren’t actually thinking about nothing, you’re thinking about the room that resembles nothing. You also start to find that your brain begins to either fill that room or gives it more context. At which point, you’ve started a whole train of thought that is difficult to get rid of. Instead, meditation should be thought of as fixating on one, key thought. This thought could be anything, but ideally it should be something that is calm or soothing. For instance, you can imagine a sun setting on a distant horizon. Keep that thought in your mind, and you will be meditating.

So what are the benefits of long periods of meditation? Well, there have been numerous research studies on this very topic. Indeed, scientists have looked at the effects that meditation has on the mind. Shockingly, they have found the mind produces higher levels of gamma rays. These rays are thought to be directly correlated with brain power. Other studies have looked at the effect that meditation has on students. Amazingly, students who meditated while studying were shown to be better at retaining knowledge and performed more consistently in examinations.

Thus, there is clear evidence that meditation could help increase productivity and performance. However, how this would fit into a working day is unclear. After all, it would be difficult to convince employers to let employees spend an hour staring at the wall under the guise of increasing productivity. To them, we’re sure the concept would seem almost paradoxical. Thus perhaps this is an activity best reserved for those working from home or freelancing.

Secrets Of Subliminal Messaging
The idea of subliminal messaging is quite controversial and is in no way a new concept. Despite what some people claim the form of subliminal messaging has been around for quite some time. For instance, during the cold war many people believed that Russian spies had been planted in America. They would then be activated through the use of subliminal messaging, triggering their true identity. Though this concept may sound like science fiction, a whole section of the FBI was instructed to investigate the possibility of sleeper agents in America. Was there any evidence that this was actually happening? While there were definitely Russian spies in America during the cold war it is unlikely that they were unaware of their actual identity before they were triggered. Finding evidence of this type of control in psych research is like trying to find hard evidence of the existence of paranormal activity.

That doesn’t mean that subliminal messaging hasn’t been effective in the past. In the 80’s subliminal messaging was used in movie theaters across America. Attendees were shown images of Coke bottles and popcorn at a frame rate faster than the eye can see. While the eye can’t recognize the image is their consciously, subconsciously the brain is able to see it. Thus the idea was that this imaging would encourage attendees to go and get a drink or popcorn before the show. Shockingly it worked with concierge sales rising when this form of messaging was used.

It’s unsurprising then that people have been working on software to integrate the use of subliminal messaging in the work environment. With software such as Subliminal Power, images or text is flashed in front of the eye in the same way as what we’ve already discussed. By doing this, the message is passed on to the user to encourage motivation. According to reviews, perhaps unsurprisingly this does work and has led to beneficial results an office environment.

You Can’t Stop The Beat
People often say that music speaks better than words and perhaps that’s true. It certainly speaks to us when we exercise. In fact, research has proven that listening to music can allow people to work harder, lift larger weights and run farther than before. Why this is would be difficult to say. But we imagine it’s a mixture of the beat replicating the heartbeat and the motivational message of the music. Combined, this encourages people to work harder than they typically would.

This is the reason why there is always dance music playing in a gym. Owners want to encourage people to work as hard as they can and feel invigorated at the same time. Could this work in an office environment? It might but music also results in lower levels of concentration. It’s one of the main causes of accidents on the road. You don’t have to be talking on your phone to get distracted in the car. There might just be a fantastic song playing that you’re paying too much attention to.

As you can see then, there are ways backed by science to boost your productivity. Are you interested in trying any of these?

Mia Guerra

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine
Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.