Your Strategy

Finding a way to organize all aspects of your life from motherhood to feeling artsy, or perfecting your portfolio as a professional.

Business Life Hacks To Automate Your Day

Business Life Hacks To Automate Your Day-Chispa Magazine

Automation is brilliant. In today’s modern world, we rely on all kinds of technology to help us automate the things we do. After all, who wants to spend all day repeating the same tasks over and over? Automation helps us to be more productive in what we do and clear our to-do lists much quicker.…

How Computers Can Help Take Your Small Business To The Next Level

How Computers Can Help Take Your Small Business To The Next Level-Chispa Magazine

The business world has changed dramatically over the past 20 years and technology has been firmly at the heart of those progressions. Computers have opened up plenty of new doors, making the day-to-day running much easier. This has been particularly beneficial for small companies. If you’re running a modest operation, here’s how to them to push your…

Ten Reasons Why Corporate Uniforms Work

Ten Reasons Why Corporate Uniforms Work-Chispa Magazine

Every company aims to stand out from its competitors. While having great products is one of the best ways to do this, it’s sometimes not enough. Your employees’ appearance can also have an impact on your brand’s image. Having corporate uniforms from clothing suppliers for your employees can greatly impact the company when it comes…

Keep Motivated When Working From Home

Keep Motivated When Working From Home-Chispa Magazine

When you work from home, one of the problems you’re likely to face is motivation. After all; you don’t have managers or co-workers around you all the time. In fact, the only person you might have in your house for company is your dog. I remember the first time I made the move to self-employment…

Doctors Need A Website Too

Doctors Need a Website-Chispa Magazine

Most doctors consider the hospital or surgery their office. In the past, doctors would never have to consider a website or online presence; however, healthcare professionals are quickly being left behind in the digital revolution. At the same time, more patients turn to the internet for advice and the digital realm is no longer something…

Top Tips For Promoting A Safer Working Environment

Top Tips For Promoting A Safer Working Environment-Chispa Magazine

These days, health and safety checks are a necessity in our working environments. Without them, the risk of injury or even death becomes heightened. Because of the government rules we must abide by, we now work in safer areas. Of course, it’s not just up to your boss to check if there aren’t any health and…

Marketing Your New Business In Five Easy Steps

Marketing Your New Business In Five Easy Steps-Chispa Magazine

You have been thinking about it for a while now, and you have decided: It is time to try to make your own mark on the business world. In fact, you may be further along than that because you may gained funds and have your idea. So, what’s next? Now you have to make sure that…