
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

EntreLeadership: Leadership Lessons from the Greats


Football lovers are in a frenzy this time of year. The NFL and NCAA playoffs are in full swing, and the Big Game is just weeks away. While most fans focus on the players and their exploits on the field, a lot can be learned from the men on the sidelines who devise strategy and…

Getting on Track Financially During Divorce


As most of us are eager to start the new year and start working toward our new year resolutions, January is unfortunately also the month that typically sees as much as a 30 percent surge in divorce filings. While finances may play a big part of the negotiating process at the end of a divorce, paying…

The Legal Mindset: How to Prepare Your Business for Disputes

SEO-Chispa Magazine

Forget what you’ve seen on television or the fictional stories you’ve read. The law can’t be tamed by experienced professionals with a decade or more of experience in the field, so it’s foolish to think that, after watching a few television series, you’d have the same knowledge about how to deal with company disputes as…

Dave Says: Dissolve the LLC? + Helping Dad

Dave Ramsey_Chispa Magazine - Featured

Dissolve the LLC? Dear Dave, My wife and I are debt-free, plus she has a business giving music lessons. We formed an LLC last year when she had several students and was making over $3,000 a month, but that all changed when our first baby arrived. Now, she has only a few students, and they…

Building An Ethical Organization

Ethical Green Living-Chispa Magazine

Struggling to build a successful business in this economic landscape, no matter how lucrative the industry in which your company is operating, is a mammoth task. Profits depend on ever-increasing investments, new strategies, new products and new everything. Of course, this can take a toll not only on the internal operations of the business, but…

Take A Walk On The Wild Side: Why Camping Could Help Your Confidence

Camping-Chispa Magazine

You may think that your days of camping are far behind you after all only kids go on adventures don’t they? Surprisingly, no, hiking and camping holidays have never been more popular, companies even run retreats dedicated to improving both children and adult’s self esteem. If work’s getting you down, your family commitments are spiralling…

Are Electronic Health Records Better?

Health_Chispa Magazine

The healthcare industry is making a big shift toward electronic record keeping and cloud computing. The introduction of electronic health records and the government’s push to have EHRs implemented nationwide are making this new technology more and more common. Are EHRs really better than paper medical histories? The answer to this question is a big…