Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Job Hunting Made Simple

New Year, New You Can You Really Just Quit Your Job-Chispa Magazine - Home

Despite our intense dislike for this activity, we all know the importance of keeping our resume up to date. While it would be nice to think we’ll be at the same company until we retire, it doesn’t always work out like that. Sometimes we’re fired, other times we learn there’s a better option out there,…

It’s All About Money. Yes or No?


Money, money money, always sunny in the rich man’s world. Maybe ABBA were right, and the world of the wealthy people is always sunnier than ours. Or maybe people have grown up with the inner feeling of guilt when it comes to money. As a result, you are doomed to believe that those who have…

Is Marriage Really Just A Bit Of Paper?

Military Marriage_Chispa Magazine

For some couples, there’s nothing more important than getting married. For others, marriage represents a bit of paper. If you’re thinking about taking the next step in your relationship, you may be considering getting married, but what does marriage mean to you and how can you maximize your chances of making the right choice? The…

Office Items Taking Up Valuable Time

Designing Your Home Office_Chispa Magazine

You don’t really think that things around you can affect you enough to take up your time – especially not when you’re in the office. For most people who are freelancing, this is just a space in their home with a few added qualities. But the truth is, there are so many things sitting around…

Top Three Tips to Improve Your Workflow

How To Convey Professionalism In Your Business-Chispa Magazine

The workflow in our business should always be one of our main focuses as business owners. However it’s not always easy to know where to start ensuring that the workflow of our business is operating at an efficient and highly productive level. So here are our top three tips on how to improve your workflow…

Three Hidden Signs You’re An Entrepreneur At Heart

Keep Business and Personal Separate_Chispa Magazine

If you have worked in a particular sector for awhile, you will soon develop a list of things that you think you could do better. It’s inevitable for anyone who is paying attention to their job and trying to do their best. You see the way that things are run, often dictated from on high…

Going Natural Everywhere in Your Home

Why Minimalism Will Increase Your Joy-Chispa Magazine

Green lifestyles are becoming more and more popular due to all the informative articles on the internet and the popularity of doing some good for the environment. It’s not unusual to see people even trading in their cars for the sake of going green. There are plenty of health benefits and, contrary to popular belief,…