Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Big Life Changes To Make For The Better

Life Changes-Chispa Magazine

In many ways, life is a little bit like a lottery. We all get dealt a different card, and, as our friend Forrest Gump once said, you never know what you’re going to get. Some people are more than happy to just go with the flow and make the best of whatever situation is thrown…

Benefits of Having a Frameless Glass Pool Fencing

poolfencing-chispa magazine

If you look at the statistics laid out by Australian Safety Authorities, kids are more prone to injuries and even deaths at swimming pools that are not well-secured. Therefore, while getting a pool installed, it is very important for homeowners to make sure that their pools are safe all the time. Pool fencing is a…

The Top Four Things That Can Give A Fresh Start

The Fresh Start You Need-Chispa Magazine

Sometimes, life throws us curve balls that we don’t expect at all. Many of us are lifelong planners, who have a very clear idea in our minds about what we expect out of our lives, year after year. Of course, it is always good to plan, as it means you are normally one step ahead…

How Pets Help With Mental Health

Chispa Magazine-Cat Therapy

Pets are a valuable part of their families for good reasons. Cats protect us against small rodents and dogs protect our homes. Other pets also work in small and large ways to make our lives a little better. From fish to ferrets, all types of pets join our families and offer some sort of comfort…

Is Higher Education The Right Step For You?

Chispa Magazine-Higher Education

Sometimes, going into higher education can be a scary thought. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how much you want to achieve, higher education is a huge step to take. You may be doing the course you’ve chosen for years. You’ll have to write thousands upon thousands of words in the form of…

Staff Training Ideas: Which Courses Should You Select?

Chispa Magazine-Office Training

There might come a time in your career as a business owner when you decide to invest in your staff. There are many ways in which you could achieve that goal. However, most entrepreneurs choose to fund educational courses for their teams. That way, the individual benefits from the qualifications and knowledge they receive. The…

Clean The House Before The In-Laws Arrive

The Ultimate Guide To Spring Cleaning Your Home-Chispa Magazine

Let’s face it; the in-laws are notorious for showing up on your doorstep uninvited. Thinking that it was a lovely idea to surprise you—giving you absolutely no time to prepare for the next coming week, (as well as mentally!) But if you’re lucky enough to have a warning in advance, you will have the time…

What You Need Before You Go To Law School

Freelance Career-Chispa Magazine

If you’re thinking about going to law school, there are a few things you’ll need to consider before you make your final decision. Law school isn’t for the faint of heart, so if it’s something you want to do, you’re going to need to be prepared to put in years of hard work. Here are…

The Importance Of A Business Website

Why Women Should Stop Trying to Be Like Men in the Work Place-Chispa Magazine

We live in a digital world where we rely on the internet for pretty much everything and this is especially true in business. Every business that wants to make a name for themselves has to have a website that gets their message, product and service out into the world. Companies that don’t have a properly…

Expand Your Business Without A New Shop

Is Your Business Ready for an Office-Chispa Magazine

For a lot of businesses, there comes a time where they don’t have the resources they need to grow. But, they need to be able to expand the horizons. Otherwise, the business could lose momentum and grind to a halt. This stage of a company can be killer when it isn’t handled correctly. And, unfortunately,…