Six Areas Of Your Home That Deserve Your Hard-Earned Cash (And 4 That Don’t)

Right now, we’re living in the golden age of home improvements. With big-name designers and DIY enthusiasts getting us excited about redoing the spaces that make up our homes. 

So to make the most of the change and get the best bang for our home-spending buck, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite projects that will help you upgrade your home. Read on for more about which rooms in your home deserve your hard-earned cash. And the areas where you can save a bit of money.

  1. Extensions

Upkeep is an ongoing process, and extensions might be something you want to think about investing in. Doing so will give your home a whole new lease on life. They’re well worth you spending your money on. Because if an extension is poorly done, you’ll just have to do it again. And that will cost you more money than doing it right in the first place.

  1. Bathrooms

You spend a lot of time in the bathroom, so it’s worth making that space feel like a sanctuary. From updating old fixtures to installing a new vanity mirror, there are lots of ways you can upgrade the room. If you really want to make a statement, opt to switch out the toilet for an updated model with more features. Or switch your bath for a luxurious acrylic shower system that looks great and is easy to clean. 

  1. Windows

Windows are the one area of your home that people will see from the outside. If you have drafty windows and old, inefficient windows, now is the time to replace them. New windows can be an excellent investment because they can help you save money on heating and cooling costs and curb your monthly HOA fees. And they’re an investment. They’ll add money to your home’s worth, while looking great. 

  1. Floors

Aside from being practical for keeping feet warm on cold days and providing some traction when walking on wet floors, new flooring will have everyone saying “wow” when they walk through that front door. Plus, there are so many different flooring materials to choose from these days. Flooring is often overlooked, but a quality floor will last a lifetime. And a good oak floor only gets better with age. 

  1. Roofing

We’ve all been there before—a leaky roof in the middle of a downpour. Not only is it an expensive problem to fix, but it can also be dangerous for your home and those who live in it. That’s why it’s worth spending your money on. In fact, anything structural is more than worth investing in. So make sure to invest in an annual checkup for your roof, even if you have a newer installation. 

  1. Garden

If you have the space in your backyard, a garden can be one of the best areas to invest your money. Gardening helps you get outside and stretch your legs, it provides a source of fresh vegetables and fruit, and it’s an organic way to keep weeds at bay. As long as you plant everything from perennials to annuals and include some edible plants, your home will be more liveable. If you don’t have the space for a full-on garden, consider adding pots of herbs or even just a few pots of flowers to spruce up your outdoor living space.

Areas Of The Home That Can Be Updated On A Budget

While the big projects are well worth spending your hard-earned cash on, there are some areas where you can scrimp and save. These projects can be done on a budget while still looking expensive and beautiful. Here are just a few home improvements you can save a bit of money on.

  • Furniture 

While some pieces are expensive, and understandably so, you can actually find quality pieces for less. Head to your nearest thrift store, or hit Facebook Marketplace for bargains on great furniture pieces. 

  • Storage 

Storage solutions can be pricey. But you don’t have to spend a lot of money on storage to look good. If you’re pretty handy, you can DIY it with some plywood and a lick of paint. Pinterest is an excellent source of inspiration if you don’t know where to start. 

  • Soft Furnishings 

Your soft furnishings are the last piece of the puzzle to making your house feel like a home. And it’s easy to spend a lot of money on them. But with the wide variety of options available on the market, it’s not always worth spending a lot of cash on. Make sure to check all websites and make the most of deals before settling on your favorites. 

  • Lighting 

Surprisingly, you don’t have to drop a lot of money on lighting for it to look good. And you can create modern light moods on a budget. Try LED strip lighting on the bottom of your kitchen cupboards for a relaxed, modern atmosphere. 

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Home Renovations 

Sometimes putting money into your home is all about increasing its overall value. But sometimes, it’s just about making your house feel more like your own. And it’s a minefield. So, before you go, here are a few critical do’s and don’ts to help you with your next renovation project. 

Do Plan Ahead

When you’re renovating your home, it’s vital to plan ahead. You should have a plan for everything you do so that the project goes smoothly and is completed on time. This includes having all the materials you need in advance, making sure the tradespeople are available when needed, and coming up with a game plan for how you want your renovation to look.

Do Use The Right Materials

One of the most important things to do when renovating your home is to make sure you’re using the right materials. If you use the wrong material for a specific project, it can lead to future problems. For example, if you use carpeting on your flooring instead of tile, it will be more challenging to clean and can take up more space in your home. 

Do Make Sure You’re Up To Code

Renovating your home is a great way to increase the value of your property. First, however, it’s essential to ensure you’re following the local and state regulations for building codes. If you’re not up-to-date on the latest rules, you could face fines and have to start over. 

Do Hire A Contractor You Can Trust

When you hire a contractor, it’s essential to take your time selecting the right one. Look at their reputation: read reviews and ask for referrals. Remember that a good contractor can help you with more than just the renovation process – they’ll also be there to answer questions and offer advice along the way.

Don’t Take On Too Much Too Quickly

If you’re renovating your home, it can be tempting to take on too much at once. However, taking on too much too quickly can lead to problems down the line. Instead, it’s best to start with a small project first and work your way up from there. That way, you won’t feel overwhelmed by the complexity of your home renovation.

Don’t Underestimate The Small Things

The small things are often what matter the most. Whether you’re tearing down walls or figuring out where to mount your TV, it’s important not to overlook any detail.

Don’t Rush The Renovation Process

If you rush your renovation, you’ll end up with all sorts of unfinished projects. By rushing the project, you could cause more damage than necessary and make it harder to complete the project on time. Instead, take your time planning and executing each project. This will ensure that everything is finished as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality.

Don’t Forget To Have Fun

It’s easy to get caught up in all the details, but it’s important to remember that you’re undertaking this renovation for a reason. Whether you want more space or a more functional kitchen, there is a good chance that you are making these renovations with the goal of improving your home. So, do take time to enjoy making your dream house a reality!

Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Editor-in-Chief at Chispa Magazine
Mavian Arocha-Rowe is known as an asset to the business and communications industry and is motivating and advocating “your authenticity should be your strategy,” for all women, regardless of their season and roles. For the past 20 years she has directed magazines, plus multiple art and marketing departments as creative director and brand manager. What supersedes all of her great career moves is her role as wife and mother living in Atlanta. Challenging herself to discover and bravely pursue the calling for her life, Arocha-Rowe helps other women discover and pursue their life’s assignment. She is a passionate, and loud-laughing speaker on the topic of purposefully redeemed, and mentors young women so they can exercise a mind that is doctrinally pure, along with a heart that beats toward sanctification. She will almost never turn down Marlow’s Tavern double-tavern cheeseburger, a cooking-demonstration from Leaning Ladder, or any opportunity to head to Miami to spend time with family.
Mavian Arocha-Rowe

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Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Mavian Arocha-Rowe is known as an asset to the business and communications industry and is motivating and advocating “your authenticity should be your strategy,” for all women, regardless of their season and roles. For the past 20 years she has directed magazines, plus multiple art and marketing departments as creative director and brand manager. What supersedes all of her great career moves is her role as wife and mother living in Atlanta. Challenging herself to discover and bravely pursue the calling for her life, Arocha-Rowe helps other women discover and pursue their life’s assignment. She is a passionate, and loud-laughing speaker on the topic of purposefully redeemed, and mentors young women so they can exercise a mind that is doctrinally pure, along with a heart that beats toward sanctification. She will almost never turn down Marlow’s Tavern double-tavern cheeseburger, a cooking-demonstration from Leaning Ladder, or any opportunity to head to Miami to spend time with family.