How to Prepare Yourself for a Stress-Free Move

How to Prepare Yourself for a Stress-Free Move-Chispa MagazineYou’ve finally have the keys to the little red house you set your eyes on, but when it comes time to move house, you need to do what you can to make the process less stressful, on you and your family. There are plenty of things you can do to ensure this happens. Have a think about the most essential components involved in a move and hopefully this list should give you plenty of ideas on where to start.

Sell Your Home
When it comes to a stress-free move, you need to make sure you’ve sorted everything else first, and this means ensuring you have sold your existing home already. It’s never advisable to move until you have a sale. Trying to pay two mortgages can be crippling at the best of times. If you’re struggling to get buyers for the property you need to take a different approach. Think about improvements you can make that will add value and appeal to the home. If you can secure a sale as soon as possible, it will be a huge weight off your shoulders.

Pick the Right Day to Move
One of the most essential components to any smooth moving process is when you move. You might not give it much thought, but actually, the day you move can have a huge effect. Moving during a week day is your best bet. It’s going to be less busy on the roads so there will be less traffic. This means the whole move will be much quicker, cheaper, and less stressful. Try to avoid weekends as much as possible.

Make the Packing Easier
The most dreaded part of any move is always going to be the packing. This is the one thing we all hate above anything else. But, sadly, it can not be avoided. You can’t move anywhere without having packed first. There are several things you can do to make the packing much easier. For one thing, you might think about starting as early as possible. The last thing you want is a mad rush. You should also try to make sure you have some sort of system or order to the packing, then you need to think about contacting interstate container removals companies. This way you can keep all your stuff in one place, and arrange for it to be transported.

Change Your Details
When you move to a new home, you need to make sure you update your details. It might not occur to you, but there is a lot of information to update. You need to let all your friends and family members know you’ve moved. Then, you’ll need to update your details in other important areas. Work, for instance, will need your new address. So will your bank. Anyone sending you mail is also going to have to be told. So there’s a lot to think about in this regard.

Moving house is a huge step for any family or individual, so you’ve got to make sure it’s something you’re prepared for. They say two of the most stressful things you can do in life are getting married and moving house. The idea is to make your move as chaos-free as you can, and this will involve planning and preparation.  

Photo by Hauke Morgenthau

Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Editor-in-Chief at Chispa Magazine
Mavian Arocha-Rowe is known as an asset to the business and communications industry and is motivating and advocating “your authenticity should be your strategy,” for all women, regardless of their season and roles. For the past 20 years she has directed magazines, plus multiple art and marketing departments as creative director and brand manager. What supersedes all of her great career moves is her role as wife and mother living in Atlanta. Challenging herself to discover and bravely pursue the calling for her life, Arocha-Rowe helps other women discover and pursue their life’s assignment. She is a passionate, and loud-laughing speaker on the topic of purposefully redeemed, and mentors young women so they can exercise a mind that is doctrinally pure, along with a heart that beats toward sanctification. She will almost never turn down Marlow’s Tavern double-tavern cheeseburger, a cooking-demonstration from Leaning Ladder, or any opportunity to head to Miami to spend time with family.
Mavian Arocha-Rowe

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Mavian Arocha-Rowe

Mavian Arocha-Rowe is known as an asset to the business and communications industry and is motivating and advocating “your authenticity should be your strategy,” for all women, regardless of their season and roles. For the past 20 years she has directed magazines, plus multiple art and marketing departments as creative director and brand manager. What supersedes all of her great career moves is her role as wife and mother living in Atlanta. Challenging herself to discover and bravely pursue the calling for her life, Arocha-Rowe helps other women discover and pursue their life’s assignment. She is a passionate, and loud-laughing speaker on the topic of purposefully redeemed, and mentors young women so they can exercise a mind that is doctrinally pure, along with a heart that beats toward sanctification. She will almost never turn down Marlow’s Tavern double-tavern cheeseburger, a cooking-demonstration from Leaning Ladder, or any opportunity to head to Miami to spend time with family.