Everything You Need To Know About Property Flipping

Everything You Need To Know About Property Flipping-Chispa MagazineIf you’re looking to make some money in your spare time, you might want to think about property flipping. Property flipping is a great way to get a second income. Yes, we’re not talking about little amounts of money here. This isn’t like blogging in your spare time. If you flip property the right way, you can easily make a fortune in no time at all. But first, it’s important that you understand what property flipping actually is.

Property flipping is quite a simple concept. A property flipper will buy a home, preferably at a low price. They will then spend a couple of months renovating it and after that put it back on the market. If all goes well, you could buy the house and sell it on in the same year. You could also be looking at a profit in the hundreds of thousands. Although, this might be being slightly optimistic, you will certainly make more than what you spent. We know you’ve probably got a few more questions so we’ll do our best to answer them.

Is It Legal?
Property flipping might at first sound a little like scamming. There are people who try to sell a home on for a lot more than it’s worth, gouging a buyer. But there is nothing illegal about flipping property. As long as everything is above board there is no reason you can not buy a home, fix it up and sell it on.

Where Should I Start?
You should start your venture into property flipping by buying your first property. We recommend that you buy either a small house or an apartment to begin. Make sure that you know the area where you’re buying, and you know the biggest selling points. You’re going to need to know exactly how to get someone to buy the home.

How Do I Pay For It?
You should have at least some money in your bank when you start off property flipping. You’ll need this for emergency repairs. But you’ll also need some extra money for the renovation project. If you use an investor financing service, you can get a loan to pay for these renovations. Once you sell the property on, you’ll easily be able to pay it back.

How To I Get The Right Price?
First, you should only start property flipping if the market is poor. Ideally, you want to buy a home when people are struggling to sell. This is going to put the price right down. You can also consider buying a fixer upper. You can buy a home with a lot of wear and tear, but you must make sure it has solid foundations. You should not buy a home that has any serious expensive problems. They can include shot piping, flooding damage or structural issues. Even if the price is great, you should not buy a home with any of these issues. After you find a home that has the right amount of damage, it’s a case of haggling. You need to work on the seller to get the property price down to the floor.

What Are The Risks?
Any investment is a gamble and flipping property is no exception. You could get stuck with a home that is unsellable. But even if you do there are ways to use the land you’ve bought and make the money back. No situation is unworkable, but you will need a lot of patience and willpower.

Photo by American Advisors Group

Milo Senalle

Milo Senalle

Managing Editor at Chispa Magazine
As one of the managing editors of Chispa Magazine, Milo Senalle is the go-to man for all things technology, ethical, and financial concerns. Providing laughs with his style of writing and problem-solving techniques, Milo is a voice of reason among the girly staff at Chispa. Married with children, living in Atlanta, he works 24/7 on becoming a man of courage and believes honor begins at home.

Milo Senalle

As one of the managing editors of Chispa Magazine, Milo Senalle is the go-to man for all things technology, ethical, and financial concerns. Providing laughs with his style of writing and problem-solving techniques, Milo is a voice of reason among the girly staff at Chispa. Married with children, living in Atlanta, he works 24/7 on becoming a man of courage and believes honor begins at home.