Is There Still Money In Private Medicine?

Is There Still Money In Private Medicine-Chispa MagazineYou have just completed your internship in medicine. After many hard years of medical training, you are finally a qualified doctor. Now you have a decision to make: Should you stay in the public medical field or should you opt to start your own private practice? Starting your own private practice isn’t as difficult as it sounds. We’re sure you only have one question about this possibility before we tell you how to do it. Can you still make money in private medicine? 

The first thing you need to remember is that medicine is a business. It’s easy to get sidetracked and think medicine is all about helping people… It is, but you also have to think like a business owner.

Keep Your Practice Small
When setting up your practice, you need to keep it small. This is one of the ways that you can reduce the costs of running your medical company. Don’t hire more staff than you need. If you think your team is understaffed then instead, use an outsourcing service. When you have a small medical team, you won’t be able to provide 24 hour care to your patients. But, you can use after hours call answering for healthcare professionals. That way your patients can still get the attention you need without you needing to hire extra members of staff. Don’t worry about the legal side of using a service like this. Companies that provide this option are always HIPAA compliant.

Hire Experienced Doctors
When looking for new employees for your medical practice, you need to recruit experienced doctors. You might not have a lot of experience yourself, but if you get doctors with a few years under their belt that won’t matter. They will provide the foundation of your business and you will be able to use their contacts and access patients who trust their services. Hiring experienced workers will make sure that your new medical business hits the ground running.

Marketing Your Medical Business
Again, don’t forget that your medical practice is a business and think of patients as customers. If you want to get their attention, you need marketing, both online and offline. This should be one of the first issues you think about. How can you get the attention of the paying public? A great website and a skilled SEO team would be a good place to start but you should also get active on social media. That way, you can interact with people who could one day be your patients.

It is possible to achieve the two goals every doctor secretly wants? Yes, you can help people in need and you’ll make decent amount of money in the process.

Photo by Jesse Orrico

Mia Guerra

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine
Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.