Anyone Can Reshape Themselves + Their World To Get Out Of The Rut

James_1_19_Chispa_MagazineThe world doesn’t always seem to lend itself easily to a successful, fulfilling life. Some of us never quite seem to find our bearings like others do. Others channel their energies down one path only to find out that the path isn’t as engaging as they would hope. Lots of people get stuck in a rut and ‘settle’. But that doesn’t have to be you. Even if you don’t know what you want, yet, changing how you deal with life and think about your goals can help you discover them. Here, we’re going to look at little changes that are going to help you rediscover the fire in your life.

Your health. You might not like hearing it, but all steps towards a healthier mind begin with a healthier body. There’s a strong link between eating right, exercise and mental health. Stress, depression and anxiety can all be fed by a life of inactivity and junk food. On the other hand, exercising brings with it motivation and confidence. It also teaches you to value yourself, your body and your health. Start making changes towards a healthier life and you’ll feel the difference in no time. Even if you’re just taking things one small step at a time.

Your home. Your body isn’t the only temple that you should be working on. We all need a place where we can recharge, relax and reshape our minds. Are you sure that your home is doing that for you? A lot of people don’t think truly about their own needs when working on their home. Of course, they’ll think about cooking and using the bathroom and they’ll fill those practical needs. But what about your emotional needs? Make your home feel fresh and invigorating. Add touches of color you’ve never considered to give a new energy to the place. Put away photos or decorations that have bad memories attached to them. Instead, put up art that inspires you. Have your passions on display, not hidden away.

Finding people. Positive change in life requires a lot of alone time, many have experienced. It takes the time to think about what you want and why you want it. It takes time to better yourself. To treat yourself like a work-in-progress edging towards a glorious completion. But it also takes other people. People are not islands. We do not do just fine on our own all the time. Consider meeting new friends with the sheer abundance of apps for meeting people that are available nowadays. New people are one of the easiest ways to get introduced to new ways of living. To see different perspectives on the world that inform ours. If we have success, it’s also always a good idea to have people to share it with.

Finding your motivation. The modern world has given rise to a curious age. We’re talking about the age of no direction. In the past, your motivation was as simple as supporting your family with your trade, a trade that was often chosen by your family or necessity. But nowadays, people have the luxury of being more self-motivated. But, this is a curse as well as a luxury. If you’re having trouble finding your motivation, start stripping down your life. In a mental exercise, get rid of the oncoming bills or the conflicts that are in the background of your life. Eliminate the temporary so you can get an idea the core. Visualize what you would like to see in the future.

Positivity matters. Regardless of what you want, you need to think about how you’re going to get it. Believe us when we say that positivity plays a huge part of it. Sure, we can all think of people who seem to act callous self-interest at the expense of others and get ‘successful’ doing it. But one case study of any Scrooge-like mogul will show you a life unfulfilled by their riches. Instead, you need to think about the goals of the soul alongside the body. Putting out positive vibes is how you get both. Teachers like Bob Doyle believe that this positive reaffirmation of your goals and desires can be enough. That it can cast ripples through the universe and attract those goals. In any case, you’ll definitely get a much better reception from other people at least.

Don’t look to others for success. Having a friendly rivalry with someone or looking to someone for inspiration or mentorship is no problem. Other people have a lot to teach us. But, they don’t have to be the standard by which we define our lives. Yet nowadays, with the peak of online communication, that seems to be all we do. We compare ourselves even with people we’ll never meet. From celebrities to Instagram stars. Defining yourself and your own happiness by the supposed lives of others is never going to work in your favor. Especially not when you consider that those pictures and statements of wealth or success don’t always tell the full picture.

Adopt the traits of the person you want to be. Don’t think that comparing your fortunes and accomplishments to others is the way to grow. Instead, look at what makes you as a person and finding a role model to compare that to. Our personalities are not set in stone. They are a combination of our thoughts and our actions. Habits we have picked up over years can be dropped and replaced in a single day’s events. They can also be changed if you have the determination to follow them. Look at the habits of people who are truly successful, engaged and motivated. Reading a lot. Waking up early. Spending only minimal time checking social media and email. There are a lot of habits you can adopt to start living like a more successful person.

Think your stresses away. One of the traits of truly successful people that needs a bit of particular focus comes from the mind. It’s about switching off the very real monkey side of the brain. Anxiety, stress and the like are real conditions that have terrible effects on a person. But, it’s important to realize that they are not a real account of the world. They change our perception of it, how we experience it and what we can do with those experiences. They are the enemy of success. So learn about how to compartmentalize your thinking. Mental techniques can be just as good at banishing stress and concerns as a healthy lifestyle. Adopt both and find it easier to be more positive.

Update yourself. Another way to get rid of stress is to replace it with a sense of accomplishment. A lot of us don’t try to improve ourselves because we think we already know the end result. We sell ourselves short and stop ourselves from ever trying. But you need to forget about the end result. You need to forget about whether you’re going to be fluent in that language or fully understand what that book was about. It’s not your success of a new challenge that matters. It’s all about how you grow as you do it. As you do it more and try more new things, you will find that those successes do come. You’ll also find that it truly was the journey that mattered more.

Track how far you go. It can be easy for your motivation in trying new things and making positive changes to kind of drop off the edge of the world. One day you feel like taking a break. That day turns into weeks and before long you’re feeling like a failure for abandoning your quest. Well, forget about that. Instead, make sure that you’re doing your best to be kind to yourself and focus on your goals. Set daily goals. They might as simple as making a small, healthy change to finishing five chapters of a book. It could be completing a business plan or meeting someone new. Jot it down, do it and track it. It will forever serve as a happy memory to inspire you to even more steps of self-improvement.

Change your frame of reference. Alongside each and every point we’ve mentioned so far, your frame of reference plays a key role. Critical thinking will help you discover the value of what your life is filled of, for instance. It will help you explore your own mind and how you’re informed by other ideas. Then mindfulness will help you understand your own personality. It will help you spot triggers of behavior and why you act the way that you do. Changing how you think in the everyday will eventually help you sculpt your own personality to better become the person you want to. Helping you understand yourself and your goals.

Start taking on the steps above, one by one. Build a better you, one who is mindful and critical yet positive. Meet new people and experience new things. Fill your life with experience and the next step will become clearer a lot easier.

Mia Guerra

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine
Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.