What Animals Make the Best House Pets?

House Pets_Chispa MagazineSometimes even the homeliest of homes can feel that it has something missing. It can be especially true if you have been used to having animals around the house before as a child. Even though you may be thinking of a pet, the type you choose should be based on your own particular circumstances. If you live alone and are out a lot, then this can present different issues from someone who is at home all the time. Here are some of the best animals that you can have as a new member of the household.

There is no doubt that dogs are one of the most owned pets in the world. They have a lot of qualities that not only make them good pets but also good companions, especially for those who live on their own. However, they are not without needs, and these can be difficult if your lifestyle doesn’t match. In the first instance, they do need to have exercise at least once a day to stay healthy. It also helps with other things such as energy levels and some physical conditions such as heart and joint conditions. If you are out for long periods of the day with no-one home, then it may be difficult to keep them fit. Another problem with prolonged time on their own is boredom, which can cause them to be destructive around the house.

Cats are another popular pet that has a special place in many people’s hearts. In some ways, they are easier to look after than dogs, though they still have needs. Cats, in general, are a lot calmer than some types of dog and they are also far more self-sufficient. Cats don’t mind if you are out for most of the day because they will sleep or do their own thing. As long as you give them food and water that they can access, they will be ok for a few hours. They will also need a litter box in the house, or a cat flap so they can go outside. If you let your cat go outside, they may well be gone all day, sometimes all night as well, so they might not be as attentive as you would like. They will usually come home for meals and perhaps to sleep, but some cats prefer to be outside. Whether you are having a cat or a dog, they will need to be treated for fleas and other parasites with drops from companies like Pet-Lock.

These cuddly animals are popular with children because they are cute and fluffy. They can also be affectionate if they are handled regularly. If you are thinking of getting a rabbit, it is important that you choose one that is friendly especially for kids. Before choosing one, go and sit with them to see who is naturally curious and approachable. For rabbits, you don’t need to be around all the time as long as they have what they need. Although some people have their rabbit roaming the house, this can be unwise as they do like to chew things. In particular, they enjoy chewing wires because they mistake them for tree roots. They can also chew paper, card and other materials so be careful what you leave by their cage. Most people will keep their rabbits in a cage with some sawdust and straw on the floor. They should also have water and something to chew on to keep their teeth healthy.

Another family favorite, the hamster is one of the easiest and cheapest animals to look after. They like to exercise, so you will need to provide a hamster wheel in their cage, but apart from that and food and water, they will be happy. Hamsters are nocturnal, so they will most likely sleep for most of the day and come out at night. That is ideal if you are at work all day, or the kids are at school. When it comes to handling, hamsters are usually gentle unless they are startled. They might also nibble you if you have the smell of food on your hands.

Fish are one of the pets that many people will have if they cannot have other pets or less responsibility. They are particularly good for apartments or small houses without gardens. The types of fish you can get vary depending on how much work you put into them. Goldfish are one of the easiest to keep; they need only a little food each day and cleaning once a week. The next type are freshwater fish, they have a more colorful variety of species than goldfish, but are still easy to keep. They may require a little more cleaning than goldfish depending on how many fish you have. The last type are marine fish, these do require a little more work than the others, and you need more equipment to keep them healthy. The plus though is that you can get some amazing colors of fish as well as be able to keep other things like starfish and hermit crabs.

Though lizards are not everyone’s idea of a nice pet, they are becoming popular with kids who are interested in nature and its creatures. There are so many types that you can own, that you will most likely need to do some research about which one will suit you the best. They are not too hard to keep; you will need a suitable glass enclosure and a heat lamp for them to stay warm. They also like to have branches and other natural foliage in the enclosure to hide in and climb on, though you can get artificial ones that work just as well. Lizards can live for a long time, so if you are thinking of getting one, it will be a long-term commitment.

Whether you are on your own or have a family, there are many perfect pets out there for you to love.

Photo by Eric Ward

Milo Senalle

Milo Senalle

Managing Editor at Chispa Magazine
As one of the managing editors of Chispa Magazine, Milo Senalle is the go-to man for all things technology, ethical, and financial concerns. Providing laughs with his style of writing and problem-solving techniques, Milo is a voice of reason among the girly staff at Chispa. Married with children, living in Atlanta, he works 24/7 on becoming a man of courage and believes honor begins at home.

Milo Senalle

As one of the managing editors of Chispa Magazine, Milo Senalle is the go-to man for all things technology, ethical, and financial concerns. Providing laughs with his style of writing and problem-solving techniques, Milo is a voice of reason among the girly staff at Chispa. Married with children, living in Atlanta, he works 24/7 on becoming a man of courage and believes honor begins at home.