Extra Security Measures to Add to Your Business

Extra Security Measures to Add to Your Business-Chispa MagazineIs your business as secure as it could be? Business premises are always vulnerable to break-ins and robberies, and with terror attacks going on and the uncertainties of the known, it makes sense to increase your security measures. 

Carry Out a Risk Assessment
When you’re looking for new ways to make your business more secure, you should start by carrying out a risk assessment. Every business has certain areas in which its most vulnerable. The first step to rectifying these weaknesses is recognizing them. Until you know what you’re not doing well in terms of security, you can’t do anything about. This is why a risk assessment is necessary for every business. It helps to highlight areas of weakness that might be exploited by criminals.

Train Staff Properly
Your employees are the people who are working on the front line. So, if something does go wrong or an emergency situation ensure, it will be them dealing with it. They will only be able to deal with those situations properly if they’ve been provided with the necessary level of training. You should train them how to react in a robbery situation, and what to do if a fire breaks out. You should also provide them with the right equipment. For example, you should give them two-way radios that allow employees to communicate quickly.

Add a Fence Around the Premises
If a criminal can’t even gain access to your business premises, then you can stop a lot of potential break-ins. The only way to prevent people gaining unauthorized access to your grounds is to install a secure fence. You can find DIY fencing online, and install it by yourself. It’s pretty simple to do, but it could make your business a great deal more secure. Then you only need to worry about your employees remembering to lock it up properly when they leave the premises.

Install the Latest Alarm System
Your home isn’t properly protected until it has a good alarm system in place. An alarm that makes a huge noise when a break-in is underway is a great way of deterring the criminals. But a better idea is to get an alarm that alerts the police when it goes off. This means that the police would be able to get to the incident quickly and prevent the burglars from getting away with any of your possessions. They may be costly to install, but the alarm could pay for itself if it helps to stop a break-in in its tracks.

Use Asset Tags
Not many business owners think about using asset tags, but they can be great tools. They work by registering an item and tracking where it is. The tag will have a tracking device in it. This means that even if the items get stolen, they can be tracked by the police. It’s notoriously difficult for the police to track down stolen items. But their task is made a lot easier if they have a tracking device to lead them to the stolen goods and the criminals responsible for the theft. It’s a small investment for such a useful tool.

Photo by Samuel Zeller

Milo Senalle

Milo Senalle

Managing Editor at Chispa Magazine
As one of the managing editors of Chispa Magazine, Milo Senalle is the go-to man for all things technology, ethical, and financial concerns. Providing laughs with his style of writing and problem-solving techniques, Milo is a voice of reason among the girly staff at Chispa. Married with children, living in Atlanta, he works 24/7 on becoming a man of courage and believes honor begins at home.

Milo Senalle

As one of the managing editors of Chispa Magazine, Milo Senalle is the go-to man for all things technology, ethical, and financial concerns. Providing laughs with his style of writing and problem-solving techniques, Milo is a voice of reason among the girly staff at Chispa. Married with children, living in Atlanta, he works 24/7 on becoming a man of courage and believes honor begins at home.