What’s So Scary About Going To The Doctor?

Doctor Office_Chispa MagazineThe doctor can be scary to face, especially when you need to see them about something serious. However, you shouldn’t let yourself be left in such a limbo—you need to look after your health, and a big part of that is working out what’s stopping you from securing the changes and/or the treatment you need. Let’s try and work out your fear together; what’s really so scary about going to the doctor? And what can you do to try and subdue the fears you feel? 

The Worry About What the Doctor Will Ask
Maybe you’re worried the doctor is going to ask some embarrassing questions and you won’t know how to answer them. You’ll be sitting in their office, uncomfortable and feeling like running away, all while they’re waiting for an answer from you. What are you meant to do in this situation? 

The doctor is going to ask some probing questions, yes, but this is all to help you out! You need to be honest with them, and tell them the whole truth around how you’re feeling, or what may have caused the cut, bruise, or rash you’re showing them. It’s all in the name of your health, and the doctor isn’t here to judge you – remember that above all else! 

The Worry Over What Procedures Will Occur
Maybe you’re worried about what kind of tests the doctor will run? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The thought of radiology alone can make some of us shudder—having a CT or an MRI scan done can be hard for those of us who are claustrophobic or just hate hospitals in general, and even just the idea of one makes you want to cancel the appointment. 

However, it’s important to remember that the doctor won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with. If you need to stop at any point, you can! You’re allowed to withdraw, and you’re allowed to make your concern known—indeed, telling a doctor you’re nervous before you begin will change the whole nature of the appointment. 

The Worry Over a Diagnosis
And of course, there’s the obvious reason why you’re worrying. You think the doctor is going to deliver a devastating diagnosis, and you don’t want to hear it. You don’t want to even think about the possibility! So you avoid visiting them, or telling them the whole truth, because the potential reality is the scariest thing of all. 

But the earlier you get something checked out, the more can be done about it. You’ll always have a chance for good treatment if you get to the doctor, at any point, and let them know what’s going on. And you can always ask for a chaperone, if you don’t have anyone to take with you to hold your hand. 

The doctor can be scary to visit, but they’re here to help you. If you do make it to an appointment, be proud of yourself, and be sure to celebrate this little victory.

Photo by Christopher Boswell

Mia Guerra

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine
Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.