Six Ways To Take Better Care Of Yourself

It’s never been more important than right now to take care of your health. We’re not just talking about your physical health and your ability to run a 10k, but your mental health, your emotional health and your spiritual health. Taking care of yourself means so much more than eating better and moving more; you are a whole person and everything that you do influences your mood and the way in which you feel about yourself. Self-care strategies are out there for the world to see, particularly during a pandemic, but you need to know exactly what you can do to ensure that you are feeling at your full health.

Taking better care of yourself – pandemic or not – is important for you to feel whole as a person. You can turn to a site that sells meal replacements to shift some weight, or you can head to church to commune with whichever God you believe in. No matter what you do, you need to learn how to look after yourself so that you can enhance your life. Below, we’ve put together six easy strategies to help you to feel like your very best this year.

  • Physical Care. Diet and exercise – over and over. However, have you considered that you aren’t born to spend your life hungry? There is nothing wrong with wanting to lose some weight, especially if you are currently overweight and are uncomfortable in your skin. The thing is you need to work on your mindset first and know that no matter what, you deserve to eat and you deserve to move to make yourself feel good, not to shred your body and become leaner. Physical care is so much more than this. you should move in a way that makes you feel mentally and physically nourished, whether that’s a long swim, a walk on the beach or dancing in the living room. Taking care of yourself also means not feeling constantly hungry. Understanding and honouring balance in your day to day is important, so when you feel hungry, don’t ignore it. Work on mindful eating and you will immediately feel the benefits.
  • Emotional Care. The world is a stressful, scary place, and we are taught from a young age to repress the emotions we feel. To hold back, to not lash out in frustration. The problem with repression is that you become an actual emotional soup with the lid on and there is nowhere for that pressure to go. You need to learn to feel your feelings out in the open so that you can work through them rather than shifting them to one side. Feel contentment in your emotions and set yourself some healthy boundaries. Those who make you feel less than you should really need to be evaluated as to whether they deserve a place in your life. Your emotional wellbeing is important; make it a priority for you!
  • Spiritual Care. You do not have to have religion to be spiritual – they are not mutually exclusive and it’s important to note this! Your spirituality is about your life and your purpose while you are alive. Putting some time into your spiritual self-care is important as you will get to know yourself and discover your core values. If you do have religion, you may find comfort in the company of your religious house. Otherwise, commune with nature, pray regularly and meditate nightly. Give yourself time everyday to sit down and reflect on what you need to reflect on with your day. It’ll help you to sleep better.
  • Social Care. You need to be around people to be fulfilled and those who say that they don’t require human connection are seriously lacking. Even the most introverted of individuals needs time to catch up with friends – even if this is digitally. The amount of time you need with friends will depend on you, but you need to make time for it – you are a priority, remember? While it’s important to have people in your life, it’s also important to have the RIGHT people surrounding you. It’s a big part of your social wellbeing to have good influences, love and support from those around you.
  • Intellectual Care. Your brain needs as much of a workout as your body does – it’s why you crave knowing new things as much as you crave a walk in the sunset. Trying out new activities, heading back to school and getting as creative as possible will all work to help you to feed your brain. Download podcasts on topics that interest you and follow blogs in the same way. You want to ensure that the things that most capture your interest are things that you work on!
  • Professional Care. Your job is keeping your bills paid, but if you’re spending more time in your workplace than with any of the other things that you should be doing to care for yourself, it’s not self-care. Burn out isn’t something of which you should be proud of doing. In fact, it’s something you need to avoid as much as possible. Care for yourself by setting professional boundaries and not deviating from these.
Mia Guerra

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine
Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.