Three Common Tooth Problems

Your teeth, gums, and jaw are all important parts of your body that you should remember to take good care of. From regular brushing to frequent dentist visits, there are numerous ways to maintain your oral health. Throughout your life, there are many different problems and issues that you may encounter in these areas, and it is important to regularly visit your dentist, as they will be able to pick up on any new problems and help you manage existing ones. Here are just three common tooth problems that you may come across in your life.

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also commonly known as periodontal disease, is a bacterial infection causing swelling and inflammation of the gums and damage to the soft tissue and bone supporting the tooth and many other issues. The infection itself can have many different causes. These include certain medications and conditions, as well as poor oral hygiene. Other common symptoms of gum disease can include bad breath, receding gums, or sensitive teeth. Regular visits to your dentist, such as those at, can help you keep on top of the health of your whole mouth, helping to reduce the risk of problems such as gum disease.


When your tooth enamel begins to decay, this can leave holes in your teeth, which are known as cavities. One of the main causes of cavities is a build-up of dental plaque, caused by a range of factors such as poor diet and bad oral hygiene. Certain foods and habits can also wear away at the enamel of your teeth, such as eating very acidic foods. Cavities can be very painful, and if left untreated, cavities can result in tooth loss, and common remedies include root canals, dental implants, or crowns.


Bruxism is also known as teeth grinding and is characterized as grinding or clenching of the teeth. Usually, bruxism is an unconscious behavior and is often done in sleep. There is a range of causes, including stress or sleep apnea, and symptoms can include headaches, hypersensitive teeth, and you can even damage existing dental restorations such as crowns or implants. Often, a mouthguard can be worn to help reduce the damage to your teeth, as they are molded to fit your mouth.

There are many ways to keep your teeth and mouth as healthy as possible. As well as regularly visiting your dentist, you should aim to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. Flossing is also a good idea, as it helps remove particles that your toothbrush misses or cannot reach. Avoiding too many sugary foods and drinks will help your enamel stay strong, as well as eating foods that are rich in calcium. Some foods and habits can stain your teeth, such as smoking or drinking red wine, tea, or coffee. Looking after your teeth is just one part of keeping your whole body healthy and are therefore very important and should not be overlooked.

Milo Senalle

Milo Senalle

Managing Editor at Chispa Magazine
As one of the managing editors of Chispa Magazine, Milo Senalle is the go-to man for all things technology, ethical, and financial concerns. Providing laughs with his style of writing and problem-solving techniques, Milo is a voice of reason among the girly staff at Chispa. Married with children, living in Atlanta, he works 24/7 on becoming a man of courage and believes honor begins at home.

Milo Senalle

As one of the managing editors of Chispa Magazine, Milo Senalle is the go-to man for all things technology, ethical, and financial concerns. Providing laughs with his style of writing and problem-solving techniques, Milo is a voice of reason among the girly staff at Chispa. Married with children, living in Atlanta, he works 24/7 on becoming a man of courage and believes honor begins at home.