
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

How To Negotiate When Relocating For A Job

In 2011, 73% of companies offered relocation incentives for employees. This increased to 79% of companies in 2018. Based on this, it’s safe to assume more than half of companies believe in making job relocations less stressful for employees. Data also shows that most companies make relocation incentives a part of internal policies. However, few…

Tips for Planning an Eventful Afternoon with Your Friends

When it comes to spending time with friends, there are few things more enjoyable than planning an eventful afternoon together. This blog has got you covered whether you’re looking to catch up over coffee, take a walk in the park, or get a little wild and crazy. Here are some tips for planning an eventful…

What to Look For When Buying Your First Home Alone

Buying your first property is one of the most exciting yet simultaneously challenging activities you can possibly embark upon in the modern world, and as a result, when faced with buying your first home as a solo buyer, it can be even more daunting. So, with this in mind, continue reading to learn about the…

8 Ways To Enhance Your Life This Summer

Pexels So, if you’ve come to this page you might be looking to switch things up this summer. Maybe you’re in a rut, maybe you think you can optimize your life a bit more, or maybe it goes much deeper and you think that now is a time for true personal growth. Whatever the reason—you’ve…

5 Ways To Deal With The Stress of Moving House

Moving house can be stressful. It includes finding a new home, settling in, and making friends with the neighbors. But, for most people, moving is an event that they look forward to for months. Moving house can also be very stressful because you have to deal with all the logistics of finding a new home…

“Darkest Night Brightest Day” Sets the Stage for this Week… Actually, For Your Life

Best-selling family devotional author Marty Machowski helps families celebrate the Passion and Easter weeks with his new two-in-one, upside down book, Darkest Night Brightest Day. Focusing on the main events of the week of the crucifixion, Darkest Night is designed for families to read beginning on Palm Sunday, but… you can pick up on any day, that’s how good this…