
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

Professionalism Is…

Professionalism_Chispa Magazine

…and that’s what I’m looking for. When fictional character David Brent first said those words 16 years ago, we laughed. From a business perspective, though, he left out the key factors that all entrepreneurs desire. So let’s try filling in the blanks to take your business ventures to the next level.   Professionalism Is… Maximizing…

Seven Work Related Anxiety Triggers + How to Ease the Stress

Stress-Chispa Magazine

Whether you work from home or go to an office daily; you are always working for someone else. Your services, talents, skills and knowledge are being exchanged for money and that means meeting expectations. It also means dealing with daily triggers that frustrate us. According to Dr. Sanam Hafeez, these triggers build up stress which…

It’s All About Money. Yes or No?


Money, money money, always sunny in the rich man’s world. Maybe ABBA were right, and the world of the wealthy people is always sunnier than ours. Or maybe people have grown up with the inner feeling of guilt when it comes to money. As a result, you are doomed to believe that those who have…

It’s Time to Spring Clean Your Finances

Chispa Magazine-Lisa Taranto Schiffer-Morgan Stanley-Spring Clean Finances

With the mad rush of tax season behind us, now is an excellent time to review where you are in achieving both short- and long-term financial goals. Here are some key areas that you can examine with your financial advisor to help you stay on track. Start with your financial plan. It’s important to frequently…

Is Marriage Really Just A Bit Of Paper?

Military Marriage_Chispa Magazine

For some couples, there’s nothing more important than getting married. For others, marriage represents a bit of paper. If you’re thinking about taking the next step in your relationship, you may be considering getting married, but what does marriage mean to you and how can you maximize your chances of making the right choice? The…

How The Internet Has Made Our Lives Better

Keep Business and Personal Separate_Chispa Magazine

Some of you might remember a time before the internet, before knowledge and entertainment lay at at our fingertips and the click of a button. It was time before email and social media, when business and pleasure was done face to face and some may argue we were all much more connected. However for those…

EntreLeadership: Take Control of Your Day


“Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.” Management expert Peter Drucker said this, and I agree. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you probably feel there are rarely enough hours in a day – no matter how hard you work – to get things done. Being distracted doesn’t…