
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

The Most Rewarding Job Of All?

Child Adoption-Chispa Magazine

Have you ever considered fostering a child? Fostering a child is something that I have actually always thought I should do, but have never had the courage to go ahead with. I’m a writer and a freelancer, so I am lucky enough to work from home, but I’m also all too familiar with late bills…

The Unrecognizable World: 21st Century Childhoods

Woman-Chispa Magazine

From the moment we first learn that we’re pregnant, most Moms find themselves wondering what the childhood of our children is going to be like. The world that they are growing up in is changing all the time, and it’s hard to imagine what the future is going to be like in five years, nevermind…

Bag A Job Abroad Before You Make The Move

Abroad Job-Chispa Magazine

Moving abroad and working in a different culture is the dream of a lot of adventurous people. It gives them a chance to widen their horizons and fully immerse themselves in a new landscape and society. Not only that, though, but some people also find that finding a job abroad improves their career prospects, and…

Not a Cog in a Machine: Taking Control of Your Life

Chispa Magazine-Control Life

It very often happens that a person, wanting to make sure they’re not left behind, find a job—any job—just to make sure they can afford things like travel trips and rent and so on. This is good for a while, but then to some people, it eventually occurs to them that they’re not really doing…

Big Life Changes To Make For The Better

Life Changes-Chispa Magazine

In many ways, life is a little bit like a lottery. We all get dealt a different card, and, as our friend Forrest Gump once said, you never know what you’re going to get. Some people are more than happy to just go with the flow and make the best of whatever situation is thrown…

The Top Four Things That Can Give A Fresh Start

The Fresh Start You Need-Chispa Magazine

Sometimes, life throws us curve balls that we don’t expect at all. Many of us are lifelong planners, who have a very clear idea in our minds about what we expect out of our lives, year after year. Of course, it is always good to plan, as it means you are normally one step ahead…

What Is The Difference Between Inner And Outer Beauty?

inner beauty-chispa magazine

Beauty is so relative concept and you naively may think that human beauty is just a level of attractiveness. That’s not exactly true. Most people, if you ask them what they think beautiful about a person perhaps will start to describe the perfect physical appearance to them something like dark or fair long hair, big…