Dr. Sanam Hafeez

Dr. Sanam Hafeez is an appointed faculty member at Columbia University’s PhD program in Clinical Psychology and a New York City based Neuropsychologist. She has written and presented several papers on various aspects of development, learning problems, behavior modification and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She frequently appears on CNN and on Dr. Oz.

Ready to Get Mentally Fit for The New Year?

Mentally Fit for The New Year-Chispa Magazine

With the start of a new year it’s important to reflect back on the prior year, assess what went well, what didn’t and decide where you want to go next. It takes a lot of mental toughness, self-love, and discipline to create the life you want. Simply coasting along on cruise control reacting to life…

Kinds of Friends That Every Woman Needs

Relationships-Friends-Chispa Magazine

One of the most important and yet least understood areas of psychology is the role of friends in our lives. Most of the research on friendship focuses on children and adolescents. Rarely do researchers seriously address friendships over the majority of our lifespan. It’s not just having friends that play a critical role in our lives…