The Importance of Making Your Home Your Own

Declutter Home-Chispa MagazineEveryone needs a place to store their stuff, raise their families and stay safe from the natural elements. However, having shelter is not the same as having a home, which can and should be an expression of who you are and a place to go to get a much-needed break from your stressors.

Your home should be an expression of your style, and a sanctuary. It doesn’t matter if you own or rent your home, or if it’s located in a suburb, urban area or rural area. All that matters is that it fulfills your needs.

A Place to De-stress
Our lives are full of all kinds of stresses. From work to kids to illness and everything in between, worry and anxiety can wear us down. Having a place to go to where these stresses can disappear or where they don’t have to be so pressing makes us healthier and happier. Your home should be this sanctuary.

You should be able to walk into your home and feel comforted. The weight of the world should leave your shoulders at least just a little bit as you walk through the door. Of course, the issues won’t be gone completely, but you should be able to get a break from them at home. If your home doesn’t do this, you might need to make some changes. You will burn yourself up emotionally and physically if you can’t get a moment’s rest from your troubles.

Home Is Where You Make It
Your home is not only a functional place, but it’s also an expression of who you are. Every person has individual wants, needs and desires, and the city, suburbs and rural areas each have their differences that will meet those needs or not. The cost of living also varies greatly in each, but that shouldn’t necessarily deter you from your dreams—just be sure to keep it in mind so you don’t add extra stress to your plate.

If you want to be close to the action and have a choice of culture and entertainment to pick from, the city might be the best choice for you. If you value quiet and privacy, the rural life might be your ideal.

Where your home is located can make a big difference in how you feel about it, but any space can be turned into your ideal place. You have the opportunity to decorate your home the way you want, that highlights your style, and it should be a place where you feel safe and calm.

Make Positive Changes Today
Some easy ways to maximize the comfort and peace of your home include:

Declutter: If your home is constantly messy, that can be a stressor in and of itself. Get rid of your piles and filth by tackling projects a little at a time—it doesn’t have to be all in one day (unless you want it that way!)—and don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you have a family, they undoubtedly help add to the chaos, so they can help clean it up.

Let the sun shine in: Sunlight gives your body needed Vitamin D, but it also triggers hormones to release in your brain, especially serotonin, which are linked to happiness and feeling calmer and more focused. Letting the sun into your home will increase your good mood and lessen your stress.

Grow some plants: Even if you don’t have a green thumb, having plants in your home can be beneficial. They increase the amount of oxygen in your home, clean the air of toxins, make you feel closer to nature and reduce stress. There is a huge variety of different plants that require varying levels of care, so you should be able to find one that matches your style and decor.

The world is full of stress, but your home doesn’t have to be. In fact, it’s better for your health and well-being if you have a place where you can go to escape from the daily grind and express your own style. Your home can and should be that place.

Photo by Hutomo Abrianto

Kate Harveston

Kate Harveston

Kate Harveston is an online journalist from Pennsylvania. She enjoys writing about women's issues, career advice, and sociopolitical change. If you enjoy her writing, you can visit her at