Tips For Getting Through Difficult Times In Your Life

Tips For Getting Through Difficult Times In Your Life-Chispa Magazine
Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns and positive and negative events, but somehow you have to find a way to keep on going even through the turmoil. Keep in mind that your life is a journey and not a destination so allow yourself some time to digest whatever it is you’re going through.

Be glad to know there are specific tips for how you can get past difficult times in your life and come out a better person after having experienced what you did. Sitting around fretting about what may or may not happen isn’t going to help you solve your problem. It’s important to take action and get back in the driver’s seat of your own destiny.

Remember to Take Care of Yourself
One area you should pay the most attention to as you’re dealing with difficult times in your life is self-care. You don’t want to let your health and well-being slip to the wayside and end up worse off than you were, to begin with. Remember to take care of yourself when you’re facing challenges and try to stick to a routine that allows you to do so.

For example:

  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise daily
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Drink water
  • Take breaks
  • Keep a journal
  • Meditate

The better you feel each day, the quicker you’ll be able to maneuver your way through this roadblock. You won’t be as overwhelmed and can begin to problem solve and keep your energy focused on overcoming adversity so you can find happiness again.

Open up to Others
You can also get through difficult times in your life by opening up to others about what you’re going through. Seek out a trusted friend or family member and ask them to sit down with you so you can fill them in about your struggles. It’s likely they’ll be able to offer up some sound advice that you can think about as you work on getting to a better place. Also, consider speaking to a professional therapist who deals with people who are in your type of situation specifically and see what insights they have to offer you. Use other people as a way to get whatever’s affecting you off your chest, so you don’t let negative thoughts start to take over and have no outlet for how to manage them.

Proactively Manage Your Worry + Anxiety
Another tip for getting through difficult times in your life is to proactively manage your worry and anxiety. The reason being is that you’re likely to find yourself in an anxious state when you’re feeling uncertain in the moment and about your future. It’s important to find methods to de-stress and unwind. You can discover more about one solution in particular that will help you calm down so you can stay focused on dealing with your situation in a logical manner. Too much stress and anxiety will likely make you feel stuck, and you’ll begin to doubt that you’ll ever experience brighter days ahead. Other ideas include going for long walks in nature, practicing yoga and listening to music.

Acknowledge Your Feelings
Acceptance of what is and being able to deal with the reality of what’s occurring is essential to you overcoming difficult times in your life. Get in tune with your emotions by acknowledging your feelings and your reactions to the circumstances. Write down whatever is going through your mind so you can get a better idea of your personal perspective about what’s going on. Avoid feeling guilty for your feelings and instead, embrace and notice them and then let them pass like clouds in the sky. Keep in mind that your emotions are temporary and soon you’ll begin to see that you will be able to recover from your situation and move on.

Stay Hopeful
Difficult times often cause you to feel like there’s going to be no end to your pain. However, this is why it’s so important to stay hopeful that all will work out in the end. Life is always changing, and nothing is going to stay the same or how it is for too long. Remind yourself that this idea of hope is powerful and can certainly aid you in working your way to feeling more optimistic about what your future holds. There’s no telling where your life will take you or what you can accomplish as soon as you make it past this obstacle that’s trying to stand in your way.

Surround Yourself with Godliness
Toxic people will only make your circumstances worse and make you feel down about yourself. Instead, surround yourself with positive people who you can count on to lift you up and encourage you to keep going strong. When you’re dealing with difficult times in your life is the exact moment you want to make sure you have people on your side backing you up and cheering you on. This is a good opportunity to stop hanging around individuals who are making your life harder and only give your time to those who are truly compassionate and sympathetic.

Focus On What’s Going Well
It’s likely that this is an isolated incident and hasn’t completely ruined your entire life when you truly think about it. What will help you out is to focus on what’s going well and practice gratitude for all your current blessings. Make a list of all your talents and qualities and what you’ve already accomplished in your life so far. Pinpoint areas that are bringing you joy in the present moment such as having a good job or you being able to get into better shape. It’s more than probable that not all that’s going on with you is bad and that there are specific positive events occurring around you on a daily basis that you’re also experiencing.

Learn from Your Mistakes
Sometimes the best way to truly get through difficult times you’re facing is to admit that what you did may have been a mistake and to learn from it. Use this challenge as an opportunity to take a different approach the next time around. Avoid being too hard on yourself or dwelling on the past and instead, come up with an action plan for how you can better succeed in the future. You can’t let one small hiccup keep you from continuing to go after your goals and showing the world all you have to offer yet. Be willing to admit when you commit errors and take ownership and then make it a point to not make the same mistake again.

Do What Makes You Happy
One helpful way to get through difficult times in your life is to do more of what makes you happy. Participate in activities or hobbies that bring a smile to your face and distract you away from the trials for a while. Brainstorm a couple of different ways that you believe will cause you to feel more joy and make sure you put them on your to-do list. Only focusing your time and energy on what’s going wrong in your life will cause you mental strain and only make it harder for you to go on. It’s about creating more of a balance and remembering there’s still plenty of good in this world and opportunities for you to seek out and explore.

Unfortunately, dealing with difficult times is a part of life, and there’s truly no way around experiencing them every once in a while. However, the upside is that there are practical tips that you can implement and take advantage of to help you cope and get through it in one piece. You may not be able to change what happened, but you do have control over your reaction and how you choose to proceed with what you’re being dealt. Most importantly, be kind to yourself when you’re experiencing hardship because you’re going to need all of the energy you can get to help you stay strong. Focus on all that you do have and has gone right for you and know that this is simply one small glitch that doesn’t have the power to hold you down for too long.

Photo by Ian Kiragu

Mia Guerra

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine
Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.