5 Things to Do Before Saying: I Do

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When you’ve found that special someone you want to spend the rest of your life with your first instinct will be to start hinting which ring you like best. There are, however, a few things to think about before you start making wedding plans, especially if you want your relationship to be a solid one.

Travel Somewhere

You get to see someone’s true colors when you travel together, and things start to go awry. If it’s been raining for two days solid and they’re starting to climb the wall, or you’re waiting at the airport because your luggage has gone walkabout, you might see a side of the other person you didn’t know existed. Traveling provides lots of opportunities for learning about yourself and another person. It’s great for revealing a person’s personality, their spontaneity, and how they deal with stress for an extended length of time.  

Visit Their Home, Often

To keep the illusion and sacred vows of marriage alive, living together should not be an option. But, visiting their home often, especially un-announced can test your domestic compatibility before getting married. It is possible you’ll get to know each other in a completely different way. You’ll find out whether someone is messy or a tidy freak, experience a myriad of their moods, especially if you surprise them, and yes, cook together and clean-up together. A lot can be learned when this happens, especially with the cooking and cleaning up duties.

Talk About Money and Children

It’s not always easy talking about money, but this is a conversation you need to have. A variety of financial issues have the potential to make or break a marriage. Talk about each other’s credit scores, whether you want to have a joint bank account if a prenuptial agreement will be necessary and each other’s feelings and priorities about money.

Whether you want to have children and when you’d prefer it to happen are also things you need to talk about. Ideally, you should be on the same page with the same general timeline for starting a family. As well as deciding on a timeline also discuss your ideas for parenting any kids that come along.

Go Through a Difficult Time Together

When we say a difficult time together, we’re thinking something more stressful than choosing your engagement rings. When you’re sick or injured, you will learn a lot about your other half. Difficult times also includes financial strains, an emotional crisis, the death of a loved one or a time when your relationship is going through a tough time. How you both respond in a crisis determines whether these instances bring you closer together or drive you further apart. Married life isn’t a walk in the park, not for anyone, and you need to be sure you’re going to be there for each other when it counts.

Get to Know Each Other’s Family

Your future marriage is going to bring your two families together, so it makes sense for you to spend time getting to know each other’s family. It bodes well for a successful marriage if both families are going to be able to get along together and with you. If you want to put your families to the test, try spending a holiday season with each of them. Take these five things into consideration before you say “I do,” and you’ll be laying a solid foundation for your married life together.

Mia Guerra

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine
Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.