Real Love vs. Fake Love

Real Love vs. Fake Love-Chispa Magazine

In week one, we talked about conforming to Biblical Truth, and not conforming to the world.

In week two, we talked about why that Truth is so important, because it is the plan of the Enemy to separate you from your salvation and your savior.

In week three, we explored the consequences of holding to that Truth, how it will make us outcasts in this world, and how the very definition of Love is being used to divide us.

This week, I want to talk about the Truth of Love. In other words, the definition of Love itself.

In our culture and generation, we are constantly told that Love is Love. If we disagree, we are labeled hateful, narrow-minded, and bigoted.

In our culture, the definition of love is unconditional moral acceptance.

That is a lazy, shallow, and spineless definition of love.

As a parent, you would not say you love your children by letting them do whatever they like. But for some reason, that’s exactly what people in the culture are saying to their friends, families, and loved ones.

Part of being a good parent is telling your children “no,” and preventing them from doing things that would bring them harm, though they may seem like a good idea. Because as adults we understand that just because something makes us temporarily happy doesn’t mean it’s healthy or good for us.

The idea that Love is Love is a beautiful one. But here we strike on one of the most significant fallacies of the modern era. Just because something is beautiful does not mean it is good.

Just as there are plenty of things that would make us temporarily happy that would be ultimately unhealthy for us, there are plenty of beautiful things that are ultimately destructive.

As C.S. Lewis says, “Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.”

The true definition of love is not only wishing for someone’s temporary good, but wishing for their long-term, permanent good.

And part of wishing for someone’s good is telling them when they’re headed down the wrong path.

Part of love is telling people when they’re wrong.

Part of love is trying to prevent the destruction—or more often, self-destruction—of those you love.

Part of love is wanting the best good for others, and the best good is eternal goodness.

This definition is not only dividing the church from the culture. It’s even dividing the church from the church, the Bible-believing faithful from cultural “Christianity.” The wheat from the chaff.

There’s an entire generation of people leaving the church, and as they’re walking out the door, they’re saying, “If the Bible is right, I’d rather be wrong.”

This is one of the greatest tragedies of our generation.

As Beth Moore said: “You will watch a generation of Christians—of Christians—set the Bible aside in an attempt to become more like Jesus. And stunningly, it will sound completely plausible. This will be perhaps the cleverest of all the devil’s schemes in your generation. To sacrifice the Truth for Love’s sake.”

I am so thankful that I have people in my life who have the guts to tell me when I’m wrong. Those are the people I know love me the most, because they refuse to let me go down the wrong path simply for my own temporary happiness.

As Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.”

If someone tells you to do whatever you want if it makes you happy, even if that lifestyle will ultimately lead to your destruction, do not be fooled.

That person is not your friend.
And that is not Love.

Photo by Alex Block

Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark is a writer, artist, and musician. He is also an avid reader and video-gamer. He lives in Virginia with his wife, Amber, and their cat, Caprica.
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Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark is a writer, artist, and musician. He is also an avid reader and video-gamer. He lives in Virginia with his wife, Amber, and their cat, Caprica.