Do Want A Bite?

The fight to survive is a daily struggle. What I mean is that each day you are in a fight: a fight not to revert to your old self, the fight to deal with daily disappointment and hurt, a fight not to blow your cool—say something that in that moment—you should have withheld [Proverbs 15:4 says a tongue can bring life or break the spirit]. We too are in a fight to understand that even when things are not going as planned, it is working out. But, it was impossible to understand life not going as I planned “is working out” before I experienced the truth of God. The deeper-rooted pain I experienced, the more I needed and continue to need God.

Some days are harder than others. I need Jesus. Seriously! But, I don’t believe I would have “known” that I needed Him unless I experienced some really challenging times throughout my life. Part of life is the promise of the experience in trials (James 1:2, John 16:33). Once you let Him in, God will teach us during the trials. Reason enough to not “know” God through someone else’s experiences.

We may be introduced to God by listening to someone else’s experiences. But given the visual of a well-cooked meal, we personally know when our taste buds believe that it is good, or it is bad… We are the only ones that must taste and see that the Lord IS good (Psalm 34:8) for ourselves. Someone else may describe all the wonderful traits of God, but how will you know until you taste and see for yourself?

When I experienced God, I found that He is good. He is loving. He is patient. He is healing. He is comforting. And when I “feel out of sorts” He will be waiting for me to visit Him. I just know now, after spending so much time with Him… I have never tasted anything like His Word, His Character… Him. Would you like to taste?

Photo by Brooke Lark

Kuan-Yin T Timothee, MBA, JD

Kuan-Yin T Timothee, MBA, JD

Chispa Magazine writer, Kuan-Yin T Timothee, MBA, JD is a descendant of Asian and Latin roots, an Army Vet, who decided her life was not over while married and raising four children pursued and obtained her bachelors, masters, and law degrees. While she always was a woman’s champion and loved the Lord since 18, her experiences with the Lord strengthened her resolve to help women live on, and in their purpose. Divorced and now happily married to her grade-school sweetheart, she is more certain than ever that the journey with Christ was never meant to be a “perfect life” but always an intentional one. She loves the study of The Word and desires to seek the Lord and fulfill her purpose with passion and power. As a friend, wife, mother and grandmother, she thrives to help women, the world sees as "victims" or "battered" as women that can survive. Having led young ladies’ ministries, Kuan-Yin looks to effectuate the change that many are afraid to take, yet necessary in order to reach the next level. She is firm believer in pushing women to be their all, know who God is, and what He wants to do in their lives.
Kuan-Yin T Timothee, MBA, JD

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Kuan-Yin T Timothee, MBA, JD

Chispa Magazine writer, Kuan-Yin T Timothee, MBA, JD is a descendant of Asian and Latin roots, an Army Vet, who decided her life was not over while married and raising four children pursued and obtained her bachelors, masters, and law degrees. While she always was a woman’s champion and loved the Lord since 18, her experiences with the Lord strengthened her resolve to help women live on, and in their purpose. Divorced and now happily married to her grade-school sweetheart, she is more certain than ever that the journey with Christ was never meant to be a “perfect life” but always an intentional one. She loves the study of The Word and desires to seek the Lord and fulfill her purpose with passion and power. As a friend, wife, mother and grandmother, she thrives to help women, the world sees as "victims" or "battered" as women that can survive. Having led young ladies’ ministries, Kuan-Yin looks to effectuate the change that many are afraid to take, yet necessary in order to reach the next level. She is firm believer in pushing women to be their all, know who God is, and what He wants to do in their lives.