Your Strategy

Finding a way to organize all aspects of your life from motherhood to feeling artsy, or perfecting your portfolio as a professional.

Showing Your Employees That You Care

Care for Employees-Chispa Magazine

The working world has developed in the past couple of decades. The rise of technology is often credited as being the main driving force behind the shift, but there is another factor at play, too. More and more, companies understand that employees do not want to be treated as robots; they want to be treated…

How to Freelance While Traveling

Work and Travel_Chispa Magazine

Earning while on the go can be one of the most rewarding ways to work, allowing for a creative and free lifestyle that can perfectly suit your needs. It’s becoming more popular, with over 7.3 million Americans describing themselves as digital nomads. Nonetheless, it is not simply a question of going on holiday and taking…

Can You Launch A Business On A Shoestring Budget?

Business Tasks You Should Consider Outsourcing-Chispa Magazine

Thousands of people launch new businesses each year. It’s great that the entrepreneurial spirit lives on in many of us. Especially in the face of economic adversity. Many people have brilliant ideas for new businesses, but one thing seems to let a lot of them down: Money. The sad truth is that some business ideas…

How You Deserve To Be Treated At Work

Never Underestimate the Importance of Networking-Chispa Magazine

Whether you are just starting out in a new job, or you are just reappraising one you currently have, it is always good to know exactly what you deserve from your employer. Many people are not really aware of this, and the result is often that they end up being mistreated or not quite getting…

4 Ways to Boost Exposure in a Crowded Market

Making your business succeed is not an easy task, but the results that come from having a successful and profitable business make the tough journey worthwhile. New companies pop up every day, which can make it harder for your business to develop new concepts and ideas that make you stand out from the crowd. Operating…

Moving Beyond Your “Now What” Season


Let’s just talk… a different kind of article. For the first time ever, I am positive that I have something in common with all my readers—a global pandemic. Forevermore, I believe we will probably refer to life as before, during, or after the pandemic. In fact, at this point we may even wonder if there…

Comfort Zone


March 2020… we went to sleep one night and woke up to a global pandemic the next morning. What? A pandemic? A Star Wars fan, I’m tempted to add the words, A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. But, that is not true, is it? It wasn’t far away. It was right in the…