
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

Kilian Hennessy Tells… A lot

Kilian-Hennessy-Chispa Magazine

Heir to a long line of cognac makers that were pioneers in luxury the grandson of the founder of the LVMH Group Kilian Hennessy decided to take up the torch of family tradition. His childhood haunts included the family cellars in Cognac. Before graduating from CELSA (School of Higher Studies in the Information and Communication…

Dave Says: Ethical Dilemma + Raising the Rent

Dave Ramsey_Chispa Magazine - Featured

Ethical Dilemma Dear Dave, I work an extra job part-time for a retail store chain while I’m getting out of debt. I like my job, except for having to pitch the store’s credit card to customers. Like you, I believe debt is a bad thing. Still, my bosses are putting more and more pressure on…

Feeling Convicted, Finding Freedom

Spring Bookworm-Author Cooper-Chispa Magazine

While a mother can be defined as a creator, a nurturer, a protector—at the center of each mother is an individual who is attempting to manage her own fears, desires, and responsibilities in different and sometimes unexpected ways. In Know the Mother, author Desiree Cooper explores the complex archetype of the mother in all of…

Lifestyle Tips That Will Help You Save Money

Lifestyle Tips That Will Help You Save Money-Chispa Magazine

We all have a need to take financial responsibility in life. But, this shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your life, as well as helping others with the blessings you receive. The key is to find a balance between the two ideas. Enjoying life without breaking the bank will allow you to embrace more of it. Moreover,…

Planning Your Wedding in Three Easy Stages

Planning Your Wedding in Three Easy Stages-Chispa Magazine

Planning a wedding is an exciting time and new chapter in your life. It is a new chapter in the life of your future husband and families also, so be sure to ask for help or suggestions if you ever feel you need them. Many people will have their own thoughts on how to proceed, manage…

Five Gift Ideas for the Man in Your Life

Five Gift Ideas for the Man in Your Life-Chispa Magazine

Buying gifts for the man in your life can be quite tricky, right? We think they tend to desire consumer items less and aren’t as vocal about what they do want. It can take a little bit of time to know what to get for them, especially if you don’t want to go down the standard socks…