
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

Why I’m Dedicated to Fighting for Other Women

Ovarian Cancer_Chispa Magazine

I’ve committed my career to fighting for women. At Vermillion, we’re dedicated to propelling research and developing new treatment solutions for gynecological health conditions. I’ve also made it my mission to raise awareness for common—yet often overlooked—gynecological diseases such as ovarian cancer. But, my fight for women goes beyond my job description. When my daughter…

EntreLeadership: Becoming a True Servant Leader


The greatest generals in history knew that wars could not be won without the loyalty of their troops. Likewise, you cannot and will not win in business without the loyalty, respect and determination of your team. Loyalty is not gained by simply barking orders. Respect is not the result of instilling a sense of fear…

Protect Your Finances from Identity Theft; Online and Off

Business Tips That Will Help Your Company Thrive In Late 2015 and Beyond-Chispa Magazine

Identity theft is a growing problem and it’s a criminal activity.  According to the U.S. Department of Justice, identity theft and identity fraud can refer to any crime in which an individual wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in a way that involves fraud or deception, usually for economic gain. Are you concerned…

Dave Says: Learning and Living + Buy the Car?

Dave Ramsey_Chispa Magazine - Featured

Learning and Living Dear Dave, I’m a recently retired widow, and my husband always took care of most of our finances. We never had any debt, but after starting to learn a little bit about how money works, I’m worried that there may be too much of it invested in CDs (certificates of deposit). The…

How To Help Others When Their Loved Ones Pass Away

How To Love The Way You Look_Chispa Magazine

When someone passes away, it is hard. There are extreme feelings of sadness when you think about them no longer being physically present in your life. You might feel guilt from not seeing them as often as you should have. You might have happy thoughts as you remember the memories and experiences that you both…

Beauty From Ashes

Beauty from Ashes-Chispa Magazine

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day…

Dear Diary, Hello Readers

Elizabeth Jordan, The Darkness of My Shattered Heart-Chispa Magazine

It’s been said that we’re never given more than we can carry. For Elizabeth Jordan, the weight almost became too much, leading to attempted suicide and alcohol abuse before she was able to make it back from the depths of hell to find a sliver of light. After Jordan lost both a boyfriend and fiancé…