Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark is a writer, artist, and musician. He is also an avid reader and video-gamer. He lives in Virginia with his wife, Amber, and their cat, Caprica.

Real Love vs. Fake Love

Real Love vs. Fake Love-Chispa Magazine

In week one, we talked about conforming to Biblical Truth, and not conforming to the world. In week two, we talked about why that Truth is so important, because it is the plan of the Enemy to separate you from your salvation and your savior. In week three, we explored the consequences of holding to…

The Long Defeat

The Long Defeat-Chispa Magazine-Andrew Clark

In my first piece, I wrote that we are not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, by the way we think. We do that by holding to biblical truths, not cultural trends. In my second piece, I discussed the results of that practice, the reality that…

The Dark Campaign Against Absolute Truth

The Dark Campaign Against Absolute Truth-Chispa Magazine - Home Page

“Nothing’s wrong if nothing’s true.” –Lorde We live in an age that has redefined almost everything. We’ve redefined love. We’ve redefined life. We’ve redefined right and wrong, male and female, gender and sex. We have torn down the definitions and erected new ones in their places. When a culture can redefine anything, then nothing means anything. This…

Not Conformed, But Transformed

Not Conformed, But Transformed-Andrew Clark-Chispa Magazine

For the past ten years or more, I’ve often referred to myself as a Recovering Fundamentalist. I’ve gone through a process of unlearning many things that I was taught growing up in a completely fundamentalist environment: Christian school, Christian church, Christian college. I don’t necessarily regret this upbringing, but it does come with some unfortunate…